Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Excellence is in all of us!

I'm playing an impromptu (made up on the spot) piano piece for 10 or 20 people,  my concentration is perfect, we're all enjoying the passing moments as I play a storyline in sound.  

You've created in your life perfectly!  Do you know the secrets of excellence?

I've found 2 aspects (parts) of excellence that always are there as tools to help us achieve something beautiful for ourselves and others.

1st ... You know, practice.  However, we learn to always practice at our best level!  Don't practice sloppy!!!

2nd ... You know, pay attention.  One of the most important aspects of paying attention is ..... you know, keep your mind quiet by listening and looking ... focusing on what you're doing ... completely.

I've read that great pianists listen for the silence between each note ... it is the silence that connects each note and gives it it's own space.

And so it goes for all your excellent work and play.  Listen for the silence between your notes, your strokes, your words, your  ............

Friday, March 4, 2011

In quiet ... and in laughter, we find ourselves: this balance of Soul.

    Life's love moves through our ancestors toward us.  Our teachers are many, as we become teachers ourselves.  This learning takes place in wonderous ways that we sometimes lose track of.  Why?

    This blog is being designed to be a gathering place of sharing and service ... as we create experiences for ourselves to grow and flourish.

    We can have so much more fun and deep happiness in our lives when we ....... ?